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two week
gut health boost



give the gift of gut health so they can thrive.

two weeks.
limited spaces.

simple steps.

expert guidance.

flexible pace.

great value.

Oh, hey there

If the idea of building a stronger gut health foundation sounds good and you're ready to make it a reality, this two week challenge will offer just the boost you need. Together we can start transforming your gut health, so that you can start seeing amazing shifts on the inside and out.

I'm here to take you on a gut health journey.
To build a strong foundation that creates a lasting impact.

This is your opportunity to start putting you and your family's gut health first.

I've been on a mission to help families build epic skin and gut health since 2012.  Whether you're keen to better understand certain symptoms, restart active gut healing or are a little stuck and want to keep moving forward, this will be an experience you won't want to miss. It will be easy to follow, nourishing and a little bit fun.


We hear the term 'gut health' everywhere these days but the struggle to understand how much of a role it plays and what to actually do about it is real.

Gut health is a fundamental element of overall health and vitality. It exerts a strong influence over our immunity, it's where we digest, absorb and assimilate nutrients from what we eat and is also associated with a number of challenges when things aren't quite right - from inflammation, leaky gut, dysbiosis, low stomach acid, eczema, intolerances, allergies, reflux, IBS, anxiety and more.

This challenge will give you realistic and accessible strategies that will boost how you nourish you and your family from the inside out. I want to help you get on the right track in an affordable way, sharing small steps and habits I know make a huge difference.

We'll cover:

A better understanding of gut health and how to improve it.

Exploring the gut-immune connection to improve health resilience.

Practical knowledge on accessible gut-friendly foods and how to incorporate them.

Techniques for managing stress to support digestion and absorption.

Developing new habits that have you feeling stronger and in control.

You won't heal your gut in 14 days, but you can start laying the foundations and begin the process of making sustainable and positive changes - and I'm so excited to help you do this.

what you get


This is the best $45 you will spend on your gut given the incredible value of the benefits you'll get from information, support and motivation over a two week period:


Access to an exclusive online community with like-minded people.


An affordable two week reset to begin optimising your gut health.

Daily emails (Monday to Friday) with prompts, tips and ideas.

Your own Gut Healing 101 Guide, five gut friendly recipes and a mini low toxin eBook.

It's designed to be achievable to fit into your lifestyle - useful but not overwhelming or intense.  It would be great if you could put a little time aside each week but once you have the content, you can work through it at your own pace, as we know sometimes life just gets busy.

You can also share as much as little as you like. I'm here to meet you where you are at, so there is no pressure or judgement - we know many of you feel safer contributing in smaller spaces.

when does it start?

We'll start Monday 23 October NZDT. Spaces will be limited.

This will be the ONLY challenge we will run in 2023 so make sure you don't miss out.

See you there!

meet your host

Maryana Lishman

Integrative Nutrition Consultant

This challenge has been created by Raised on Real Food founder Maryana Lishman. After over ten years experience in helping make real food and gut health make sense to inspire action and real change from the ground up, she is now one of the leading voices in this space.


With a passion for educating and empowering families to take control through combining root cause solutions with a real food foundation, Maryana specialises in eczema, allergies, intolerances, gut health and family wellness.

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